Our first 2015 ICD Learning Summit in Pittsburgh in May was a success! Comments from the attendees express it best:
“I received a lot of useful quality information from the Summit. . . . I believe this would have been great for our [whole] LJC.”
“The way [presenter, Joe Ubben] engaged us was key, able to talk to all levels of experience.”
“New interesting way to think about running the program.”
And, registration is now open for the second 2015 Learning Summit in Kansas City. The Summit will be held October 7-8, 2015 at the Hilton President Hotel in Kansas City’s Power and Light district. The Summit will again be 1½ days of training on running your program like you own it. On the afternoon of October 8, we will hold an optional half day of training specifically for newcomers, getting down to the basic nuts and bolts of the Career Development Program.
Register for the Hilton President Here (enter Group Code ICD)
Finally, in addition to the optional half day in Kansas City, we are planning to Run Get With the Program, a 1½ day training for new LJC members and Coordinators, in late September in Northwest Indiana. This expanded orientation will involve a learning center tour and some database training. If you or your LJC needs new member training, contact steph@icdlearning.org. Watch the mail in the next few weeks for more information about this event.
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