Lately we’ve had Georgia on our mind. Allison, that is.
A friend to all of us, the longtime coordinator from USW/U.S. Steel-Great Lakes retired at the end of 2017. We wish her nothing but the best in retirement, but are sad to see her go.
It was always a pleasure seeing her at conferences and training events. Georgia always knew how to brighten the day of anyone she came across. She cared so much about and worked so hard on behalf of the Steelworkers and the Career Development Program. She leaves behind some awful big shoes to fill.
Along those lines, please join me in welcoming Kathy Beeman to the ICD family. Kathy was hired as Georgia’s replacement.
She’s not the only new face on the block, however. You might remember last year when I told you Darlene Govenettio stepped down as the coordinator of the USW/Sumitomo-Buffalo program. Well, the Local Joint Committee there has chosen Mary Ennis to be the new coordinator. Cecelia and I will be up in that area soon to meet Mary and provide some training.
I am sure everyone will get the chance to greet Mary and Kathy this summer at the 2018 ICD National Conference, but until then please join me in welcoming them to our ranks.
CONFERENCE UPDATE: We anticipate opening up registration and hotel reservations in one week!
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