While we may be in the primetime of summer, we also all know that it won’t be too long until the kids head back to school.
That also means that our second 2017 ICD Learning Summit – Milwaukee -- is right around the corner.
The final summit of 2017 will be held Sept. 19-20 at the Milwaukee Marriott Downtown Hotel.
The early tentative agenda includes a Welcome Reception the evening of Monday, Sept. 18, and an optional tour of the local Harley Davidson plant the afternoon of Wednesday, Sept. 20.
As always, the time in between will be filled with important programming relevant for the work we do serving Steelworkers through the Career Development benefit. I can tell you that because the Nashville Summit was a great success!
If you haven’t registered yet for the Summit, please do so now by clicking here.
And if you need to reserve your room at the Marriott, you can do that clicking on this link.
The hotel deadline for reserving a room is Aug. 28.
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