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The cruise ships will be in Mobile – will you?
For the first time in five years, cruise ships will be filling up Mobile Bay the week of the 2016 ICD National Conference, and they will be just blocks away from the conference hotel at the cruise ship terminal.
In other words, the town will be bustling this November. Hotel rooms will be filling up quickly. So if you plan to attend our conference at the Renaissance Mobile Riverview Plaza, we urge you to take action soon by registering for the conference here and reserving your hotel room here.
We are getting to the point where we need to have a good idea on the number of people who will be attending, for space and room concerns.
The program is coming together. In the next two weeks, we plan to have all the workshops finalized and be able to announce them to you. Today, I am happy to inform you that our keynote speaker will be Roxanne Brown, Assistant Legislative Director for the United Steelworkers. Roxanne has been instrumental working on key issues on behalf of the USW in Washington, D.C., and nationwide. And with our conference coming the week after the elections, I am sure she will have a lot to say!
Two reminders to close: we have heard from many of you who have been working on your site video for the conference – that’s great and keep it up – and don’t forget to keep spreading the word about the Tino Fulimeni Memorial Scholarship. We expect to award 8-10 scholarships again this year. Students can apply here.
Thanks. The countdown is on!
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