I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend filled with family and friends.
We’re back at it this week continuing to plan for the upcoming Learning Summits, so I wanted to provide you with some updates.
We’re going to focus on some of our online learning providers and opportunities available to ICD participants. We have invited reps from Penn Foster, Tooling U, and Rosetta Stone to make presentations. Our hope is that they can walk you through everything from what the sign-up process is like for a coordinator to what the participant should expect when they use the program.
Also, Connie Mabin from the USW Staff and a rep from Eastern Gateway College will join us to discuss the USW’s Free College Initiative! We have heard a lot of questions floating around out there about that so we thought it best if you could hear directly from them.
There will also be a session dedicated to working with vendors and some of the issues that have crept up recently. I can't emphasize enough how strong I feel this agenda is.
Two more items to hopefully entice you: ICD will host a Welcome Reception the evening of Monday, June 24, from 5-7 p.m. Location will be divulged in the coming weeks. And we will also be heading over to USW Headquarters on the afternoon of June 26 for an optional tour. We’ll be in touch as we get closer to the event to try and get an accurate headcount.
If you still need to register, you can do so HERE. The deadline to reserve at the William Penn is June 3.
Thanks for all you do and we can’t wait to see you in Pittsburgh (with a new staff member on board as well)!
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