One thing we hear often from sites is that they want to know what’s going on at OTHER sites. Whenever we get together, there is a good amount of sharing ideas and everyone always says they want more of that.
At this year’s National Conference in Philadelphia, we are hosting a Site Showcase during Thursday’s proceedings. We invite as many sites as possible to participate.
What’s a Site Showcase and what am I committing to, you ask?
Well, here’s what the Site Showcase is: YOUR opportunity to share your successes and/or best practices with the rest of the programs nationwide.
- Is there a class that has been successful that surprised you?
- Is there a marketing strategy that has been effective?
- Is there anything – ANYTHING – you want to brag about or show off?
We don’t expect you to sit at the table during the Site Showcase. We just want it displayed for the rest of the participants to see!
It could be a photo display, it could be an item or items produced in a class, or it could simply be flyers. However big or small, we want to see it. And so does everyone else.
To sign up and participate, click this link. Thanks.
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