Every day brings us one day closer to the ICD National Conference in Philadelphia, which means every week now we should have some new information to share with you.
Because of the timing of this year’s conference – early June, many schools out for the summer – we anticipate that some people are going to be bringing their families with.
Of course, we want them to enjoy their time and feel welcome. That’s why, this year, FOR THE FIRST TIME, we are considering hosting a Family Welcome Breakfast. The breakfast would be held at 9 a.m. Wednesday morning, while the rest of us are in the conference general session. ICD staff members’ families will be there to greet all guests.
Please help us out. If your family is accompanying you to Philly and you think this might be something they would enjoy, click this link to answer a two-question survey.
Two constant reminders.
- Please make sure, with almost all local union elections complete, that the proper committee members are registered.
- The hotel reservation deadline has been extended to May 14.
Thanks. See you soon.
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