In the past few weeks, I’ve had the opportunity, along with some of our staff, to visit some of our local programs. It seems 2018 has been a year of significant change – not only in our office but at many local programs across the country as well.
That’s why the training we are conducting here in Merrillville next week and in Cleveland next month (click here to register) is so important.
Our New Member Training lays all the groundwork for committee members and coordinators to get the type of base-level understanding of the Career Development benefit they need to ensure their local program is running at optimal levels and serving the Steelworkers to its fullest potential.
And from our perspective it doesn’t matter whether you are a 20-year veteran of the program, or someone who just yesterday became aware of the program, when we offer training like we are offering next week and next month, we strive to make sure there is value in it for everyone.
Also, be sure to stop by our office next Tuesday if you are in the area. We are hosting a New Office Open House event from 2 to 6 p.m.
A couple other items …
From the “Better Late Than Never” Department, Korey and I spent the early part of this week in Lincoln, Neb., at an LJC kickoff meeting. Historically speaking, Lincoln has had ICD in its contract since the mid-2000s but has not activated it until now. We are extremely excited about this development and look forward to working with them to make sure the members of USW Local 286 are able to access their benefit.
The ICD Conference Flickr is finally finished and ready for view. Click on this link here.You should be able to download any picture you want.
Finally, please take some time and remember your brothers and sisters currently engaged in negotiations with U.S. Steel and ArcelorMittal. They have been working on an extended contract for three weeks now. Strike votes have been taken. This is a time of great uncertainty for them and their families. We wish everyone the best.
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