Welcome to the new ICD website!
A facelift has been needed for many years, and our staff has worked its collective tail off for the past 6 months or so, with a local web developer, to create, customize and deliver an attractive, user-friendly product that you all will enjoy visiting.
It's more visual, more interactive, more useful and hopefully as easy to navigate as any website you regularly use.
More big news: this new website will now be the permanent home of my blog, The Long ... and Short of It. You can get to it by clicking the link on the top of the home page.
In addition, there are also links to the ICD Database and to both our Facebook and Twitter pages. You will also see that, like with the old website, you can register for upcoming events. Another new feature is the ability to apply for the Tino Fulimeni Memorial Scholarship online -- no more having to fill out and fax or mail forms to our office.
Many of the standard forms you use, and many of the resources you often request from us, are now available to you as well. In the Technical Assistance and Resources pages, you will find a lot of helpful information. As always, please let us know how we can make those sections better for you.
And we are excited to introudce News From the Field, where we take your stories, events and accomplishments and we publish them for the rest of your ICD colleagues to see. We hope to have a lot of content fleshed out on our own but please let us know when you have news worth sharing.
So, please, play around. Let us know what you think. This new website is just as easy to use on a smartphone or tablet too! We look forward to informing you of all the features that are incorporated today and those we hope to incorporate in the future.
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