Coordinator Mike Ondrish retired after 13 years of service and commitment to the program. Prior to working for the USW/U. S. Steel - Mon Valley Works Career Development Program, Mike logged 32 years of employment in mechanical maintenance at Clairton Works and 6 years as an elected official for Local 1557. Mike has decided to retire and will be leaving his position at the end of August. He would like to take this opportunity to thank the many friends he has acquired during the years associated with the United Steelworkers, US Steel and the ICD. Mike plans to travel and spend time with his wife and children. We all wish Mike a long, happy and healthy retirement.
The ICD would also like to welcome the new Mon Valley Coordinator, Tamara Lefcowitz who joined us in June 2015 after 6 years of employment with the SEIU (Service Employees International Union). Tamara is excited to use her experience working in the labor movement to develop additional opportunities for members eligible to utilize the ICD benefit.
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