Is ICD part of your benefit? Then the Tino Fulimeni scholarship is, too!
In 2019, the Institute for Career Development awarded eight scholarships for $1,000 each to the children or grandchildren of Steelworkers.
Tino Fulimeni was a lifelong Steelworker who rose to Special Assistant to former USW President George Becker. Tino was a huge advocate of the Career Development Program. He strongly believed in the education of Steelworkers. The Institute for Career Development scholarship is a tribute to Tino and all he stood and fought for.
To date, the Tino Fulmeni Memorial Scholarship Fund has awarded 120 scholarships in the amount of $108,800.
All you have to do is apply at www.icdlearning.org. The deadline has been extended to October 31, 2020.
Remember, learning is your – and your children or grandchildren’s – benefit for life!
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