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Merrillville, IN 46410
(219) 738-9029


Sean Hayden

Executive Director

Sean Hayden is the Executive Director for the Institute for Career Development.

His "HayNow" blog provides members with the latest news from ICD, updates on events and gatherings, and helps keep us all connected with relevant information for all things ICD.

Click on the latest "HayNow" below.


For me, this time of year is usually about both reflection AND looking ahead. Is that the way it is for you, too?


In the past few weeks, I’ve had the opportunity, along with some of our staff, to visit some of our local programs. It seems 2018 has been a year of significant change – not only in our office but at many local programs across the country as well.

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Excuse me if there’s been a lapse in sending out a blog, but we’ve had a lot going on lately!

Between site visits, conference presentations, event planning and – ummm, vacations – the days have been flying off the calendar the past 6 weeks or so.


In case you haven't noticed, a few things have changed around here.

And if you haven't, we'll start at the top.


As part of Learning Opportunities Week programming, ICD has worked with our National Educational Partners to offer two webinars during the week.  Everyone is invited to attend these webinars. 


If you're the type of person who likes to plan ahead, today is your day.

We are happy that we are able to share with you the full agenda for the 2018 ICD National Conference a little more than two weeks away from meeting in Philadelphia.


When I was hired as Executive Director at ICD in 2013, it was the opportunity of a lifetime. And now it is time to pass that opportunity on to someone else.


Every day brings us one day closer to the ICD National Conference in Philadelphia, which means every week now we should have some new information to share with you.


The countdown is officially on for Philadelphia.

Last week, Sean and Stephanie from our staff traveled out to Philly to walk through the hotel, set up many of the logistical details and get a better sense of what our experience will be when we arrive in six weeks.


One thing we hear often from sites is that they want to know what’s going on at OTHER sites. Whenever we get together, there is a good amount of sharing ideas and everyone always says they want more of that.



Good day everyone.


Let’s talk Tino.

The application period for the 2018 Tino Fulimeni Memorial Scholarship has been open for some time now. And there has been no shortage of applicants who have already found the application on our website.

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By now you should have received an email with information on how to register for ICD's 2018 National Conference, which will be held in Philadelphia on June 6-7.


Lately we’ve had Georgia on our mind. Allison, that is.

A friend to all of us, the longtime coordinator from USW/U.S. Steel-Great Lakes retired at the end of 2017. We wish her nothing but the best in retirement, but are sad to see her go.


Happy New Year to everyone.

It’s been an … interesting … last month of 2017 and first month of 2018 so far for us, to say the least.


Last month a couple of our ICD stalwarts moved on to bigger and better times.


Welcome to another Trail 9 Asks post! This week, we have an interview with Sean Hayden, Assistant Director of the Institute for Career Development (ICD). Trail 9 knows Sean and the ICD from redesigning their website,


Free money! Who doesn’t love that?
